

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Kira On 'Teen Wolf' Wears A Lot Of Numbers

Teen Wolf
OK, I'm not entirely sure what went down on last night's Teen Wolf, but I liked it. It was filled to the brim with action! No one has faced more ~drama~ in four episodes than Kira. The girl can't catch a break. As her romance with Scott continues to blossom, and as she absorbs all the power in Beacon Hills (NBD), we've been keeping a close eye on her style. Last week we noticed her superhero leggings and this week we were like, "Hold up. This is not the first athletic jersey-inspired look our young kitsune has worn." And, in fact, it's not!

Teen Wolf Kira on 'Teen Wolf.'
Photo: MTV
On Kira's first day of school, she wore a numbered shirt, which was also white with bold black numbers, but they're def not the same, nor are they for an actual #SPORTZ team. She just seems to like 'em. Barbara Vazquez, the show's costume designer, said it's not so much about her being sporty, but rather "eclectic." She wore the "25" shirt with a skirt and a plaid shirt tied around her waist, but last night, she opted for pants (and "84"). I always went fancy for the first day of school, too, Kira. By the second, I was like, "LOL, nah." I am intrigued by these numbers, though, and will be keeping a close eye on whether they have any significance (they're not the numbers on the chalkboard—I checked), or whether they're just a staple in Kira's hybrid "tomboy and funky" style.

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