

Monday 4 November 2013

Date nights and HUGE helpings of humble pie - Paul Hollywood's recipe to win back his wife after his affair..

According to those who know them, Alex Hollywood has told her estranged husband, Paul, she can't contemplate a full reconciliation until he faces up to the torment he caused their son, JoshDuring the recent half-term break, Alex Hollywood quietly took off on holiday with a handful of her closest girlfriends to the South of France for the last of the autumn sunshine and to give herself ‘thinking time’.
Back home, her estranged husband, celebrity chef Paul Hollywood — who has in recent weeks been waging a non-stop charm offensive on her in the hope she’ll take him back — was left to sweat.

Despite the fact that I am told the couple have been sharing ‘date nights’ at their respective rented homes, which are less than a mile apart in the Kent village of Aylesham, Alex, it seems, will still not commit to officially resuming the relationship.
According to those who know them, Alex Hollywood has told her estranged husband, Paul, she can't contemplate a full reconciliation until he faces up to the torment he caused their son, Josh

According to those who know them, she has told Hollywood, star of The Great British Bake Off, she can’t contemplate a full reconciliation until he faces up to the torment he caused her and their son, Josh.
Hence, in recent days, we have been treated to the normally cocky Wirral-born baker in full-on humility mode.
First up, 47-year-old Hollywood went on BBC Radio 5 Live last week to confess for the first time what we all knew — that he had cheated on his wife of 15 years with the doll-like Marcela Valladolid while they were making the American version of the show.
Suitably contrite, he told host Richard Bacon: ‘I did have an affair in America with my co-judge and it was something which was the biggest mistake of my life because, actually, I still love my wife.’
Saying he ‘absolutely’ wanted to be reunited with 49-year-old Alex, Hollywood added hopefully: ‘I’m at that point at the moment where we’re talking and we’re working to get back together again. But it is going to take time.’
Meanwhile, he admitted the backlash he received from fans and the media over the affair was all his own fault. ‘It was deserved because what I did was wrong,’ he said. ‘I’ve taken it. It was my punishment.
‘At the end of the day we’re moving on and I’m in a much better place. I’m getting emotional now.’
On Saturday night he was at it again, ramping up his campaign another notch by going on television to give another remarkably similar grovelling mea culpa on The Jonathan Ross Show. Grim-faced, he told the chat host: ‘I made the biggest mistake of my life and I regret it.’
‘At the moment, Alex and I are working things through together. We’re just going to take things one step at a time, but I still love her and that’s ultimately what it is.’ 
Hollywood went on BBC Radio 5 Live to confess for the first time his affair with Marcela Valladolid
Hollywood went on BBC Radio 5 Live to confess for the first time his affair with Marcela Valladolid
Short of public self-flagellation, it’s hard to imagine the usually full-of-himself Hollywood could be any more chastened if he tried.
Certainly, it’s all something of a dramatic turnaround from his prickly reaction just a couple of weeks ago when an interviewer from another news-paper dared to question him about whether he was remorseful over his behaviour. A clearly riled Hollywood replied: ‘Guilt? Guilt for what? You don’t know the whole story.’
That was, however, before the silver-haired chef plainly decided his best hope of getting Alex back was by eating platefuls of homemade humble pie.

So what’s changed? Well, according to insiders, it’s the dignified Mrs Hollywood who’s calling the shots.
And make no mistake, this is a very different Alex to a few months ago when she could barely eat because of her grief over the sudden shattering of her marriage, and who could only weep as she told the Mail in July how she had lost the love of her life when Hollywood left.
Today, attractive Alex is suddenly cutting an altogether more confident and glossy persona to the rather mumsy image she projected before they split up in May.
Having dropped from a size 12 to a six due to the stress of her husband’s affair with 35-year-old Miss Valladolid, Alex is now a healthy size eight. With her blonde hair newly highlighted and styled, friends are asking her how come she’s suddenly looking so glam.
At the same time, she’s been massively buoyed by a ‘sisterhood’ of close girlfriends, including her solicitor sister Liz Dack, who have rallied around her.
Principal among them is close friend Honor Marks with whom Alex holidayed a fortnight ago at the hotel Honor runs, Maison de la Roche, in the French village of Ferrals-les-Corbieres.
When I spoke to Ms Marks this week, she hinted to me she knew the couple were back together.
And significantly, perhaps, Alex’s ultra loyal sister Liz, who has been a vocal critic of Hollywood and Miss Valladolid on Twitter, was far more circumspect when I spoke to her over the weekend.
While friendly, both refused to be quoted for this article. Few, it seems, want to scupper the chances of a rapprochement.
That said, I understand that several of Alex’s closest girlfriends still bear a grudge over Hollywood’s treatment of her and are counselling her to be wary.
What is undoubtedly the case, however, is that for his part, Hollywood, whose relationship with Marcela fizzled out in August, clearly realises what he threw away.
And behind the scenes, his nascent reconciliation with Alex has been progressing a pace.
Hollywood’s flashy £135,000 Aston Martin DB9 sports car with private plates has been regularly seen by locals parked outside the pretty 13th century former marital home where Alex has been living alone with 12-year-old Josh.
And Alex has also been spotted slipping quietly into the converted barn just up the road where the chef has set up a bachelor pad while they try to resolve things.
The silver-haired chef has plainly decided his best hope of getting Alex back is by eating humble pie
The silver-haired chef has plainly decided his best hope of getting Alex back is by eating humble pie

I am told that the couple have been quietly meeting for ‘date nights’ — meals at their nearby respective homes as they discuss what to do next.
The thawing in their relationship has been helped, I understand, by the support of family friend and fellow TV chef James Martin, of whom both Paul and Alex are very fond.
Likewise, Hollywood’s fellow judge on BBC’s Bake Off, Mary Berry — whom he affectionately calls ‘Bezza’ — has remained close to both the Hollywoods and has privately been cajoling them to give their marriage another try.
And Hollywood’s charm offensive would appear to be paying dividends. Significantly, after having changed her Twitter profile in the wake of their split to read: ‘Not so real Hollywood Wife... Soon to belong to First Wives Club’, Alex has now changed it again to describe herself as: ‘Wife, mother, cook and sometime foodie writer.’
Two weeks ago, after Hollywood had spent the day paintballing with Josh, Alex posted a picture on Twitter of the dinner she had made that evening with the caption: ‘Spicy fried chicken and sweetcorn for the boys. Apple pie and cream to follow.’
However, the sticking point seems to be that Kent-born ex-diving instructor Alex — who married former hotel baker Hollywood in Cyprus in 1998 — is determined that whatever happens in their relationship in the future, she is no longer prepared to play second fiddle to her ambitious hubby.
By way of proving the point, she is launching her own cookery career and has begun posting her recipes online. She is in talks about writing a cookbook and has just signed a deal with Tesco to film her own cookery demos.
Hollywood poses with his Great British Bake Off co-host Mary Berry
Hollywood poses with his Great British Bake Off co-host Mary Berry

The chance of a full-scale reunion has been made possible by what one colleague of Hollywood’s described to me as the ‘very messy end’ of his affair with divorced mother-of-one Miss Valladolid.
Things on that front apparently went downhill quickly. As late as August, when Hollywood and Marcela holidayed as a couple in Majorca, he was, by all accounts, talking seriously about upping sticks and moving to San Diego, California — where she lives with her nine-year-old son — and splitting his time between the U.S. and here.
But just a few weeks later, the relationship was off. It was not helped, apparently, by the fact that the spin-off show, the American Baking Competition, which Hollywood hoped would make him a star in the U.S., flopped when it aired this summer and was dropped by the CBS network after just one series.
Other stateside TV channels have been in talks about reviving the format, but Hollywood is adamant his former lover will not be appearing alongside him.
Asked about it last month he said: ‘We were looking at another woman who was more like Mary [Berry]. I think that dynamic worked. I think you want expertise, experience.
‘I just think Marcela was slightly too young, that’s all. It came down to experience. And she’s more known for enchiladas, Mexican food, not for baking.’
Suffice to say, it’s unlikely the former lovers will be exchanging Christmas cards.
As for his relationship with Alex, the warming of the froideur between the couple began, friends say, when they took Josh for a Thai meal to celebrate his 12th birthday at the beginning of last month.
Afterwards, they both tweeted about enjoying a ‘family meal’, and when Paul sent a message to Alex on the social networking site, she replied by sending him a smiley face.
Given the delicate nature of negotiations, it was, perhaps, understandable that Paul reacted with uncharacteristic annoyance when observers hinted there was on-screen chemistry between him and 21-year-old ex-model Ruby Tandoh, who appeared as a finalist on the latest series of Bake Off last month.
Rather unchivalrously, you might think, he described the very pretty Miss Tandoh as ‘not my type’.
A cynic might speculate that reports that Alex has hired feared divorce lawyer Raymond Tooth might also have focused Hollywood’s mind on smoothing things over with his wife.
After all, Tooth, who is known by the nickname ‘Jaws’, represented Roman Abramovich’s wife Irina in her divorce as well as Eric Clapton’s ex, Pattie Boyd.
Hollywood, who has had financial issues in the past, is no doubt reluctant to hand over half of his fortune now — this could also be driving his sudden volte-face.
Whatever his true motivations, it looks like the oh-so repentant Hollywood might be about to get his way and persuade the loyal wife he cheated on to call off the divorce proceedings and take him back.

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